Thank you for visiting our website.

The issuance of new licenses for the PIM DEA software has been discontinued.
Existing license holders can continue using their licenses as usual.

If you have a maintenance contract you can reach us at
quoting your license number.

License Type:
License Quantity:  (1st Copy - Full Price, Further Copies - 30% discount)
Validity Type:
Number of Units: For:
Additional Pack: (Graphical PPS, cross efficiency and bootstrap)
Postal Delivery:
(Free Download)
Once payment has been received you will be able to download the software and the manual immediately.
Promotion Code:
Sub-Total: £ 60.00
Payment Method: £ 0.00
Send cheque to PIM Ltd, C/o LDP Luckmans, Victoria House, 44-45 Queens Road, Coventry, CV1 3EH, United Kingdom, made payable to ‘Performance Improvement Management Ltd’.

Grand-Total: £ 60.00

Thank you for visiting our website.

The issuance of new licenses for the PIM DEA software has been discontinued. Existing license holders can continue using their licenses as usual.

If you have a maintenance contract you can reach us
PIM_Orders@btinternet.com, quoting your license number.